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Integrating with Google Analytics

With you can integrate your messages with Google Analytics, one of the most widely-used platforms for tracking website results. With this integration, you can see the results of your campaigns integrated with the reports of your website.

  1. How to set up Google Analytics in your website
  2. How to send messages integrated with Analytics
  3. How to see the reports on Google Analytics

Setting Google Analytics in your website

To set up Google Analytics in your site and learn the basics, you should to head to the official documentation. Here, you will find this article about setting up the web tracking code.

Sending messages integrated with Analytics

Sending your messages with properly integrated to Analytics is pretty simple. When you create a message, just click the “Analytics?” option (by default, it is checked).

Set Analytics to your's links

Once you have done this, whenever a contact clicks on some link in your message, they will be redirected, with the required data for Analytics added. For example, if you put a link for

Mailee will redirect it to:

where YourCampaign is the name of your campaign and Message is the message’s title. This information is then, read by Google Analytics.

Checking Google Analytics results

When you access your control panel on Analytics, you can see compared results in Traffic Sources at General View.