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API REST Integration can be integrated to any online application by its REST API. With this, you can mantain your contacts synced with in a very transparent manner.

If you are an agency, check out our special API for agencies, with special commands. This tutorial will be useful in case you want to do your own integration.

Mailee’s API is in version 2.0, with even more resources and possibilities. It’s still in beta. Thus, we hope you don’t experience any nasty bugs, but, if that happens, just let us know by contacting our support so we can fix it as soon as possible :)

How to access

The API is accessible via this proxy address from Mashape.

All the API REST actions return JSON.

Access key

To use the API, generates a secret key for each client. To get this key, go to My Account, then Integrate and finally REST.

Updating your access key

For safety reasons it is recommended to update your key every six months. If you alredy have a code in production using a key, don’t worry: we have thought about a solution for you. When you create a new key in, both the current and the new one will be active. This way, you can update your code, test and then finish it with the old key.

To update your access key, go to the REST integration’s option in and click the “Create new key” button.

You will see the following page:

Now both keys are active. You can update your code with the new key. When you finish, just click Validate this key and it will become the current key while the old one will be deactivated.


Our API is available on Mashape. There you can find several APIs available, being able to access them through a single login. The site also offers a complete documentation on the APIs, including examples of every method and the possibility of testing them directly.

Initializing your API

To see our API in Mashape, you will, first, need to have an account there. You can do that by going to and clicking on sign up. After that, you can access your account directly from Mashape.

Once you’re logged into your account, click Applications and create a new application.

In the search field, type Mailee and press Enter:

You will be directed to this screen and will see these two options:

Then, you need to select the option of your choice and click it.

To link Mailee’s API, you’ll need to do an Endpoind Test inside our API, by selecting X-Mashape-Key for the application you have just created and inserting your api_key and subdomain in the designated fields, as well as providing all the other information requested.

API Options

Mailee has two API options: one for agencies and one for final clients. Agency APIs must be used to manage the agencies processes, but, to connect to the client’s systems, agencies must use the final client API.

Clients’ API


Here you’ll have all the available options for your sent messages.


This should be used to send transactional messages (messages to one address at a time).


Here you will have all available list options (create, delete, etc).


Here you will have all the available options for templates (create, update, etc).


Here you will have all available options on message creation, editing and sending.


Here you will have all available information about your account.


Here you will have all the available contact settings.

Agencies API


In this method you have all the options required to maintain your clients.


This returns all information on your agency.